Penn Appetit, the student-run food magazine at the University of Pennsylvania, is excited to announce that applications for our 2012 board are now open. Positions include:Editor(s)-in-Chief
Photo Editor(s)
Design Editor(s)
Blog Editor(s)
Business Manager(s)
Publicity Manager(s)
Recording Secretary
General Board Member(s)
Outreach Chair(s)
Events Chair(s)
Culinary Director(s).
Descriptions of all board positions are below. There are openings for all positions, including Editor-in-Chief. Applications are due by 11:59 pm on Saturday, December 10th. Late applications cannot be accepted.
To apply, please read the position descriptions below and submit an application to consisting of the following:
- Name
- Email address
- Year/School
- One paragraph on the experience that qualifies you for the position, with Penn Appetit and otherwise
- One paragraph explaining why you want to be involved with Penn Appetit and this position specifically, including what you believe you would bring to the publication.
- Some positions require additional application materials, as noted below.
Important notes on board applications:
- The board term lasts for one year starting in January (Spring 2012 to the end of Fall 2012). The Class of 2012 is not eligible to apply.
- Anyone is welcome to apply, although some positions require specific experience, and we give preference to individuals who have contributed to Penn Appetit in the past.
- We encourage you to speak with the individuals who currently hold any position for which you are considering applying. (Culinary Director, Webmaster, Recording Secretary, and Events Chair are new positions, and thus are not currently held by anyone.)
- You may apply for more than one position, but if you do, rank the positions starting with the one you most want.
- Current board members must re-apply if they wish to retain their positions.
- If you are studying abroad for one semester of 2012, you are still eligible to apply, but you MUST note this on your application.
- Several positions require additional application materials:
Design Editor: A detailed list of design experience, including two (2) samples of your work
Photography Editor: A detailed list of photography experience, including two (2) samples of your food photography
Blog Editor: Two (2) samples of blog posts you've written, either with Penn Appetit or another blog, plus the URL of any personal blogs you'd like us to consider as part of your application
Webmaster: A detailed list of web design or website maintenance experience.
Culinary Director: A note detailing what access to a kitchen you will have over the term (including next fall), and at least one (1) recipe developed on your own.
Email with any questions about the applications/application process. Good luck!
Position Descriptions:
1. Editor-in-Chief. There shall be an Editor-in-Chief or Co-Editors-in-Chief. This person is responsible for the general workings of the magazine. The Editor-in-Chief’s duties are as follows:
1. He/she shall set up all writing, editing, and general body meetings. He/she shall attend all said meetings, as well as meetings for other staffs, as appropriate.
2. He/she shall oversee the submissions and the editing process. He/she shall assign stories in a general meeting with all Members of Penn Appétit. With all general Members, he/she shall set deadlines for submissions, dates for layout, and the date of Penn Appétit’s distribution on campus.
3. He/she shall oversee the business aspect of the magazine, advising the business staff on money matters, advertising, and publicity.
4. He/she shall oversee the layout of Penn Appétit. He/she shall resolve all disputes about placement of advertisements and submissions.
5. He/she shall make final decisions about appropriateness of magazine content, with the help of the Advisor (if there is one).
6. He/she shall send out informative communications to all Members of Penn Appétit.
7. The Editor-in-Chief must have previous experience on the Editing Staff of Penn Appétit, except in the first year of its publication.
8. He/she shall authorize expenditures from and deposits to the Penn Appétit bank account.
2. Treasurer. The Treasurer’s duties are as follows:
1. He/she shall attend all Business meetings.
2. He/she shall maintain the bank account for Penn Appétit. He/she shall write checks and handle deposits.
3. He/she shall update the budget spreadsheets. There shall be a magazine spreadsheet keeping track of all expenditures, as well as the Student Activities Council online budget account.
4. He/she shall send updated budget reports to the Editor-in-Chief once every two weeks.
5. He/she shall execute all reimbursements for Penn Appetit Members.
6. He/she shall work closely with the Business Manager and the Editor-in-Chief on all money-related matters
7. He/she shall take minutes at all Business meetings.
8. He/she shall work closely with the printer to obtain estimates and plan the printing process.
9. He/she shall attend Student Activities Council General Body Meetings.
1. This person shall act as the liaison between Penn Appétit and the Student Activities Council.
2. He/she shall attend all SAC meetings as necessary.
3. He/she shall apply for re-recognition by SAC annually.
4. He/she shall keep Penn Appétit up to date in regards to SAC guidelines.
3. Publicity Manager. The Publicity Manager’s duties are as follows:
1. The Publicity Manager shall be in charge of all magazine publicity, including flyers, banners, and any other publicity campaigns.
2. He/she shall organize all walk shifts, both for magazine distribution and for flyering.
3. He/she shall work with the Events Chair to assist in planning and executing all events for the magazine.
4. He/she shall attend all business meetings and general meetings.
4. Photography Editor (Head of Photography Staff). The Photography Editor’s duties are as follows:
1. He/she shall organize all Photography Staff meetings and inform all members of the Photography Staff of these meeting dates.
2. The Photography Editor shall preside over all Photography meetings with the Editor-in-Chief.
3. He/she shall assign all photography tasks to the Photography Staff.
4. He/she shall coordinate all photographers for the blog.
5. He/she shall assist all photographers in the photographing process, or find someone to do so.
1. There shall be a photography training session at the beginning of each semester, as necessary. The Photography Editor shall be the instructor, or shall find an experienced photographer to do so.
2. He/she shall help photographers arrange photography shoots as needed.
3. He/she shall ensure that all photographs taken are of quality high enough to be published in the magazine.
6. He/she shall choose all photographs that will run in the magazine, in conjunction with the Editor-in-Chief and the Layout/Design Editor.
7. The Photography Editor shall edit or assist in editing all photographs that are intended to run in the magazine.
5. Layout/Design Editor (Head of Layout/Design Staff). The Layout/Design Editor’s duties are as follows:
1. He/she shall organize all Layout/Design Staff meetings and inform all members of the Layout/Design Staff of these meeting dates.
2. The Layout/Design Editor shall preside over all Layout/Design meetings with the Editor-in-Chief.
3. He/she shall work with the Editor-in-Chief to place articles, photographs, and all other submitted pieces in the magazine.
4. He/she shall be present at all Layout sessions.
6. Blog Editor (Head of Blog Staff). The Blog Editor’s duties are as follows:
1. He/she shall organize all Blog Staff meetings and inform all members of the Blog Staff of these meeting dates.
2. He/she shall preside over all Blog meetings.
3. He/she shall assign and schedule blog posts at the bi-weekly meetings.
4. He/she shall monitor blog traffic and the blog’s email.
5. He/she shall work with the Photography Editor to capture photos to accompany blog posts.
6. He/she shall edit and subsequently publish all blog submissions.
7. He/she shall submit photos featured on the blog to food photo websites (to increase blog traffic).
8. He/she shall work with the Editor-in-Chief to transfer articles, photographs, and all other submitted pieces that were not selected for the magazine onto the blog.
9. He/she shall post about upcoming food events.
10. He/she shall run the Penn Appetit Facebook and Twitter accounts.
7. Business Manager. The Business Manager’s duties are as follows:
1. The Business Manager creates and executes strategy for advertisement sales in the magazine.
2. He/she directs and monitors the business staff in this activity.
3. He/she is to seek out and evaluate all new opportunities for advertisements and other revenue generation.
4. He/she shall help with publicity activities as needed.
5. He/she shall attend all business meetings and general meetings.
8. Recording Secretary
a. He/she shall attend all executive board meetings.
b. He/she shall record minutes at those meetings.
c. He/she shall assist the business, publicity, blog, and editorial boards as needed.
9. General Board Member
a. He/she shall attend all executive board meetings.
b. He/she shall assist the business, publicity, blog, and editorial boards as needed.
10. Outreach Chair
a. He/she shall oversee all community service and other outreach initiatives.
b. He/she shall be in charge of creating new outreach events and programs as appropriate.
c. He/she shall organize one day of food-related outreach for the executive board each semester.
11. Webmaster
a. He/she shall update and maintain the Penn Appetit website.
b. He/she shall renew the domain name as needed.
c. He/she shall register the website with Penn each year.
12. Events Chair
1. He/she shall plan all magazine events (e.g., speakers, competitions, trips).
2. He/she shall plan all social events for magazine members.
3. He/she shall delegate tasks as necessary to other board members to execute events.
13. Culinary Director
1. He/she shall plan and execute menus for magazine events.
2. He/she shall test recipes to be featured in issues and make revisions as needed.
3. He/she shall develop recipes upon request for inclusion in the magazine.
4. He/she shall prepare all cooked items for magazine photo shoots.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Want to be on the Penn Appetit Board? Apply Now!
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